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November Update & New Features!

November brings exciting updates! Join me in this video to find out about all the latest features and what’s coming up on our app!


  1. Rachel

    Love you!!!!! Thank you SO much for all your hard work. I’ve been using the app for 6+ years…keeps me on track and feeling my best! You are my workout buddy ive never met 😂🥰

    • Amanda Bisk

      This is so besutiful! Thank you!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼 you have been with us for so long and that means the world to Adam and I 🥰 Looking foreard to bringing you more exciting this here on FBFM and please let me know if there is anything tou would like to see here on the app and we will do our best to bring it to life! ❤️

  2. Mackenzie Cane

    Love the 15 min class idea for xmas challenge!! THANK YOU

    • Amanda Bisk

      Aww yay!! This time of year is always so busy and stressful so I think it will be nice to have an achievable goal each day ☺️ Can’t wait to do it with you!! ❤️

  3. Laura

    The updates are great! It was a nice surprised to see my program in the homepage. Just noticed that we don’t see the time on the videos on the “news” tab unless I click on it. Following for many years as well now and this is only getting better. Can’t wait for Christmas challenge 🥰 thanks to the amazing people that you are.

    • Amanda Bisk

      Oh thats so stange 🤔 Adam will look into that for you this week 🙂 it looks like the time is missing in the top carousel, but they all seem to be there when you scroll down to the ‘latest workouts’ ‘latest yoga’ etc..areas….how strange! Thank you for sticking by us for so long!! 😘 Cant wait to do Countdown to Christmas with you!!! ❤️

  4. Laura Elisabeth

    Can’t wait for the December challenge; 15 min cardio sounds great for this time of year. I’m on my third round of athletic dumbbell because I want to get stronger and I was wondering if you’d consider adding some free/gym machine weights content to supplement the shorter classes – that I can do at my gym a few times a week to keep up the strength I built in Athletic August. I found the strength training so helpful for my joints and I’m really keen to move this aspect of my training to the gym. I do your classes most days so I’d really love your guidance on how gym work can support your challenges & other classes. I follow your insta tips but something easier to follow along with would be amazing. Thanks to you and Adam for all your work x L

    • Amanda Bisk

      Hi Laura! Free weights are definitely something I am looking to add next year! Thry have become a big part on my own training so I would love to share this woth the community here ☺️ I’m still figuuring out the best way to present it here on the app so it is easy to follow but also hits all the safety and safe training prerequisites I have set for myself as a coach. I want to make sure you are all safe and training the best form possible! It could be mini tutorial videos for each exercise set in a circuit maybe…I’m working on it though and gopefully can get it to you ASAP!! ☺️ Looking forward to finishing off the year with you with this challenge! 🙌🏼❤️

    • Laura Elisabeth

      Oh yes, that makes sense, I can appreciate the challegne…can’t wait to see what you come up with & yay for Christmas countdown!! X

  5. Andreja

    Love this! I’m running a marathon on 3 December and taking recovery into consideration, I was sure I’d miss Countdown to Christmas, but now that it’s only 15 minutes a day, I’ll have to think about it again 😉😂

    • Amanda Bisk

      Oh yay!!! I’m so glad it will be able to fit in to your recovery schedule!! I wouldnt want you to miss the best challenge of the year!! 😍😘❤️

  6. Sissie

    I love your team! Always can’t wait for new updates. And evey morning when it was so quiet, I enjoy working out with you so much. Love your chatting and many times I would chat back or complain how hard you are pushing haha. Thanks for all you and Adam’s hard work!

    • Amanda Bisk

      Awww you are so sweet 🥹 I’m so happy you are enjoying the classes and all my commentary 😂 Lots of love from Adam and I ❤️

  7. nicolekjp@outlook.com

    Would like to see circuits with weights and incorporation of the old PDFs into the app (maybe a challenge on that as well?!)! Thanks for all the hard work, Amanda and Adam!

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