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4th Feb || Night Time De-Stress

LEVEL || Intermediate

Escape the world with this calming flow. Enjoy slow paced movements and postures that nourish your parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for rest and repair) and help you relax the body and switch off a busy mind. Throughout this class you will have time to settle into calming postures that bring your focus inward and allow you to tune in with your body and the rhythm of your breath. The perfect way to release tight joints, lengthen muscles, re-align the body and de-stress the mind.


  1. Laura

    It was a great one. Very relaxing. 🙏

    • Amanda Bisk

      Aww thats awesome to hear 🥰 I hope you slept like a dream!! 😴✨🙏🏼

  2. Laura

    As feedback it was really great and it will be added to my fav. Didn’t know how I needed this. Thr extra streches with the pillow are making the diff

    • Amanda Bisk

      The bolster/pillow is such a great addition, especially for a night time class 🥰 so happy its a favourite for you! Me too!! 😘

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