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22nd Feb || A Walk In The Park Meditation To Clear The Mind

FOCUS || Reduce Stress, Calm Anxiety, Relax the Nervous System

Embark on a serene journey with ‘A Walk in the Park to Clear the Mind’ meditation class. Immerse yourself in this tranquil exercise that weaves together meditation principles, inviting you to shed the weight of daily stress. Tune into the sounds, sensations, and emotions surrounding you, allowing the walk in the park to guide you to a place of inner calm and clarity. Best embraced during moments of stress, anxiety, or when feeling overwhelmed, this practice is perfect for your lunch break or as a prelude to a peaceful bedtime. Let this stroll in nature rejuvenate your mind and elevate your well-being.


  1. cristina Morton

    So beautiful πŸ™

    • Amanda Bisk

      Glad you enjoyed the walk πŸŒΏπŸ˜‰πŸ«ΆπŸΌπŸŒ³

  2. anaelle.franchimont@gmail.com

    Needed this 🫢🏻

    • Amanda Bisk

      I’m so happy this found you 🫢🏼😘

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