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September Updates! What is the most popular program on the app? Mobility classes & all new ‘Journeys’ coming soon!

See whats coming your way in the months ahead. All In August has been and gone, massive thank you to everyone in our amazing community taking part and congratulations to our prize winners! Next challenge up is Countdown to Christmas (This year is going so fast!)


  1. anaelle.franchimont@gmail.com

    WHAT A FABULOUS IDEA ARE THE JOURNEYS 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍!!! Will help to define better goals long terms!! Awesome! ALSO, can’t wait for the fbfm stars workouts!!! 😜😝😘

    • Amanda Bisk

      Yes! Definitely! Its time to provide more structure and an epic pathway to your goals!! 😍😍

  2. Lina

    Omg this is so so exciting! The journeys sound incredible, kudos to Adam 🙂 Looking forward to trying everything out <3

    • Amanda Bisk

      Haha yes! He is full of great ideas! 🧠 The brain of FBFM 😉

  3. Michala Dening

    Thank you! Excited for journeys!

    • Amanda Bisk

      Eeeeep!!! They are going to be so good!! 😍🙌🏼

  4. Sissie Smith

    Yay!! I cant wait for the journey section! Thats what i am hoping to see on the app! You and adam are great!

    • Amanda Bisk

      We cant wait to bring it to you! 😍

  5. Sissie Smith

    Yay! Journey is what i am hoping to see on the app! You and adam are awesome! Thank you!

    • Amanda Bisk

      Woohoo!! 🙌🏼 We were reading your mind! 😛 haha cant wait to bring them to you!

  6. Sarah Havard

    The mobility classes have been amazing! I have the May mobility on repeat almost every day.

    • Amanda Bisk

      Thats so awesome! So happy you are loving them 🥰 They are officially live in their own category in the yoga area! 🥳 Mobility is my new obsession!! 😍

  7. Nives

    I love the idea of The journeys… I am really excited to try them all😁🤗

    • Amanda Bisk

      Us too!! 😍 Its going to be epic!! 🙌🏼

  8. Andreja

    My most searched word in the app has always been “mobility” and I just love all mobility classes!

    • Amanda Bisk

      Oh 😀 yay!! 🙌🏼 So good that you can just go to the category now! 😍

  9. m.b.goksoyr@gmail.com

    Can not WAIT for Journeys!!✈️ Love that idea💞

  10. Ksenia

    I love the new start page – feels so engaging 💖

  11. zlata10@live.com

    I am so excited about the Journeys! The Idea Is Awesome and I think can help a lot! 😍🤗

  12. Joana Kalfa

    Very exciting!! The journeys ideas is great…going back a little to your very origonal 12 weeks prog and i beoieve to really reach a particular goal it takes more than 4weeks so it ll be great to be able to alternate have the journeys and the mini nore precise targets. So happy with the muscle and mobility – building muscle and staying flexible are keys to longevity. Thank you for always keeping it fresh. On that note there s a lot of talk on functional patterns training/biomechanics and working our barefoot – what are your thoughts on that? As you always mention in your videos good technique is the most important…there s also a lot of talks on tempo, in your weight videos you do mention sometime to slow down …any plans to incorporate those a bit more?

  13. Laura A.

    Thanks so much for your hard work. Can’t wait❤️

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