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Release & Revive: A 12-Week Path to Mobility & Flexibility

This journey will guide you to a more flexible, mobile and free body. Each week you will have 3 classes to complete. You can do them in any order, on any day, but aim to do all 3. You can do classes in the morning, night, after a workout…whenever you can fit them in. There is also 1 bonus class each week, which is available to do if you want to speed up your progress and you have the time to do it.


  1. anaelle.franchimont@gmail.com

    ♥️🤝♥️ soooooo excited about this !!

    • Amanda Bisk

      Yayyyy!! 😍😍😍 More to come! 🙌🏼

  2. Susanna Norgaard

    So excited for this. Completed week 1 and i feel great ☺️❤️. Fyi week 5 only has 3 classes!

    • Amanda Bisk

      Oh amazing!! So happy you’re loving it!! 😍 oooo we will fix that right now, thanks for letting us know! ❤️

  3. June Phillips

    Love this! It’s sooo good to have because I feel bamboozled about where to start without a set programme. This is very doable when a person has limited time

    • Amanda Bisk

      I totally feel you! We will be building this area up over 2025 so you will have lots of planned out journeys to follow 🥰😍

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