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4th May || Shoulder, Spine & Rotational Mobility

LEVEL || All Abilities

Free stiffness, tightness & pain from your upper body with this amazing class! Work through sequences that will not only help to open tight shoulders and mobilise your spine but also relax tight muscles in the neck and back. Better upper body mobility and posture is key to relieving headaches and pain between the shoulder blades, improving breathing and lung capacity, and even boosting energy and vitality. This class will leave you feeling amazing!


  1. Ruana Di Marco

    Oof my arms were silently screaming during that first wall section! Feel great though

    • Amanda Bisk

      Haha looks so much easier than it is!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 so good 😍

  2. Ksenia

    I didn’t expect this to be this hard 😀

  3. Laura Schuijers

    I think that was the hardest class of yours I’ve ever done! I couldn’t keep my lower back on the wall as well as everything else. Should I just keep repeating the class (or that section) each week?

  4. Charlotte Logsdon

    There is no doubt that I need to incorporate more mobity overall into my weekly routine.

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